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Liralotls Monsters

LIVE Grindal Worm Feeder Culture

LIVE Grindal Worm Feeder Culture

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price $15.00 USD Sale price $10.00 USD
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Well established live grindal worms culture. Perfect for fish fry, baby axolotls, beta, and small fish food. Very nitritious and high in protein. Just add contents into your own small (live bait container works great) container and feed. Place a top to a condiment cup on top of the food because that is where the worms will collect for feeding. ALL cultures are FULL of worms. If u do not see worms when you get them still follow the instructions because if they happen to fail during shipping the worms sense doom and mass lay eggs and those eggs don't take but days to hatch. You can also message me on facebook.

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